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Writing Roles

Script Writer - theWelshWizard

January 2024

Wrote a script for the YouTube channel theWelshWizard. Communicated regularly with employer to deliver the script per request and modified documentation as needed. The video the script was written for has been published.

Writer - Ardenfall -Spellcast Studios

February 2023 - September 2024

Worked for Spellcast Studios as a writer for the project Ardenfall. Tasked with writing detailed documents for characters, factions, and lore, working with a team of writers, and coordinating with other departments to accomplish set goals.

Lead Writer & Assistant Director - Fallout 4: Project Gambit

December 2021 - March 2022

Worked for a Fallout 4 mod project as Lead Writer and later Assistant Director. Managed social media for the project as well as coordinated with the writing team and other departments. Unfortunately, the project fell through but the reveal trailer, as well as the Twitter page, are still up.

TTRPG Gamemaster

2018 - Current

Has been a Gamemaster for several TTRPG groups as well as one consistent group since 2018. Has written constantly for years with weekly deadlines. Regularly required to work with others to coordinate the group storytelling aspect as well as work improvisationally when needed.


Creative Writing Major - Lakeland University

2022 - Current

Currently pursuing a Creative Writing degree at Lakeland University. Expected to graduate in 2026.

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